This is me

Name: Timmy Martens
Place of dwelling: North Carolina, Lumberton, Camp Grace
Temperament: Melancholy Sanguin
Love Language: Words of affirmation
Academic level: Highschool freshman
General physical description: Tall, lanky, asian caucasion, wtih dark hair and skin.
Personality: Is vociferous at times, vulnerable, solicitous of friends, perspicacious, sometimes ostentatious, but not innocuous or inordinate. Usually efficacious. In no way eloquent, but a philosopher (lover of wisdom). Convivial, liking to ameliorate arduous problems or situations. Usually ambiguous through the abuse of pronouns. Full of consternation. A lover of any colloquy. Never prevaricates, or at least tries not to. Is one who seeks probity and propriety. Is wistful for wisdom and in love with Jesus Christ.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Preparing for Florida...oh joy

Well, you are about to learn something new about me. Friends rock, Florida doesnt. Sadly, a good portion of my friends live in Florida. In order to visit my friends in Florida, guess what? ...I have to go to Florida. And, Im leaving to visit a friend tomorrow who lives in Florida, so guess what? ...I have to go to Florida.

I know some of you would love to go to Florida, but I used to live there, and I know the dark side of the upside-down lookin L state. Here are some reasons:

1. The weather is very...montonous. You can tell what time of day it is if it is raining or not. So if you go to Florida (especially Pinellas county area), dont plan any out door activities at 5:00 pm. Why? chances are, it'll be raining.

2. There's no winter time in Florida. The coldest it gets where I used to live was 40s-50s. It almost never gets below freezing, and thats a problem for me. I love the cold.

3. Its sticking out in the middle of a hurricane pathway. I was around during the 2004 4 hurricane deal, and it wasn't cool. My advice, stay away from Florida during a big hurrican season.

4. Waaay too many old people living down there. Seriously....

5. Waaay too many young couple down there, also. (I dont know if thats a bad thing, but still.)

6. Waaay too many middle aged women with attitudes. Ive never been given the finger where I currently live, but in Florida....the women.....

7. Too over crowded. Face it, people. Florida is overrated, now go home and enjoy your own beaches.

8. The beaches aren't worth it? Why? Besides the fact that they are crowded, they cost money to get in. And its not like you can see the ocean from the road. They are littered with condos!

9. Theme parks! not.....too over crowded also. and I'm scared of heights and roller-coaster.

Well, those are only 8 reasons why I dont like Florida. I have more, I just dont want to think of them at the moment. I could list a gagillion reasons why I hate the beach alone. I cannot stand the beach! One day ill do a post on just the beach....but thats not important right now. Florida isnt my favorite place to be, but some of my favorite people live there, and I would pretty much do anything for my friends (except drink a cup of whole milk, go to the beach, or ride a roller coaster). I still havent packed yet and my family is leaving at 5 am tomorrow morning....oh joy. So, Ill pack my DS, Wii (so I can connect to the internet since I dont have any good service out here in the boonies), clothes (duh), Bible, and other junk*. Ill just be glad to visit Luke (one of my best friends).

This trip isnt bringing me warm fuzzies. I also have to miss a chance to go to liberty university to go to their winter fest. Sad day*.... But hey, I still get to see Luke.

But I still ain't getting no warm fuzzies. Anyways, later everyone!


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